Wisdom teeth or molars are the last adult teeth to emerge in your mouth. A total of four teeth, one in each corner, usually erupting between the ages of 17 and 21. Some people experience major pain as the teeth erupt, while others do not. Whether your wisdom teeth will trouble you or not depends on a number of factors, such as your jaw structure. In case your wisdom tooth causes pain, tooth extraction is the only viable solution. River City Dental Clinic provides quality tooth extraction services in the Fort McMurray area. If you feel anxious or scared about your tooth extraction, we can perform sedation dentistry to help you.
Usually, you can experience problems with your wisdom tooth if there isn’t sufficient space in your mouth for it to grow. Due to a lack of space, wisdom teeth can come in sideways, tilted or misaligned in the jaw. Such teeth are said to be impacted and need to be extracted, if painful. Here are five major scenarios which might necessitate tooth extraction:
1. Persistent Pain and Infection - Pain and sensitivity at the tooth site and when you open your mouth are the most noticeable signs of a troublesome wisdom tooth. The impacted tooth presses up against the teeth in front of it, causing pain.
When a wisdom tooth tries to erupt, pain can also result from swollen gums. A partially erupted wisdom tooth creates a flap of extra gum tissue next to it. Food particles get trapped in the tissue, causing bacteria growth and infection. Neglecting these conditions may lead to gum diseases at the back of the mouth. Signs of gum infection are:
Tender and bleeding gums
Pain and swelling
Pus from gums
Swollen and sore lymph glands under the jaw
Difficulty in swallowing food or opening your mouth
You will get relief in such cases by extracting your impacted tooth. If you are experiencing extreme dental pain or discomfort, read our blog on tips to cope with dental emergencies. 2. Damages to Nearby Teeth – Impacted teeth can cause problems like cavities and decay in neighbouring teeth, which can only be solved by extracting the impacted teeth. When a misaligned wisdom tooth pushes the nearby molar, it results in uneven gaps and spaces between them. Eventually, food and bacteria are trapped in such spaces and this causes cavities. A tooth infection can also result in bad breath or unpleasant taste in your mouth. 3. Cysts or Tumour – Infected or inflamed gums and teeth can result in the growth of benign jaw tumours and cysts. Cysts are sac of fluid which can infect the nearby area. This can cause the roots of the nearby teeth to get damaged. In some rare cases, cysts can result in jaw bone loss as well. Removing the impacted tooth can stop the damage. 4. Sinus Issues – Sometimes, roots of wisdom teeth growing in the upper jaw push against the sinuses located right above and behind the jaw. Due to this pressure, you can experience headaches and sinus pain. Wisdom tooth extraction is necessary for pain relief. 5. Difficulty in Maintaining Hygiene – Wisdom teeth grow in hard-to-reach locations in our mouth. Space around the teeth is minimum, making brushing and flossing difficult. In the absence of proper cleaning, these teeth become prime targets for cavities and plaque buildup. The extraction of the tooth will create sufficient space and aid in cleaning. If you notice any of these warning signs and symptoms, contact the team at River City Dental Clinic for wisdom tooth extraction. You can count on our team for family and cosmetic dentistry. We take pride in providing services including Invisalign, implant dentistry, root canal and more.